Notice: Undefined index: spb_enabled in include() (line 7 of /home/codeangl/public_html/sites/all/themes/md_alpine/template/page--node--%.tpl.php).
I am getting these notices. Can you help me.
username: kodjo
Notice: Undefined index: spb_enabled in include() (line 7 of /home/codeangl/public_html/sites/all/themes/md_alpine/template/page--node--%.tpl.php).
I am getting these notices. Can you help me.
username: kodjo
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Please update module Simplr Pagebuilder
Please go to your account in our support forumhttp://megadrupal.com/user/your_account_name (http://megadrupal.com/user/kodjokodjo) to download then update