I updated the information for the google map but now the map shows as empty. Not sure what the issue is.
when i check the code on the page i see the section for the google map but it only shows this:
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 11:13
Google Map
Never mind, I seem to have found the solution here: http://megadrupal.com/forum/theme-support/md-classic/72
I removed the Enters from the box and it works, when will this be updated to allow for carriage returns?
Hi Dajuice,
Yes, just remove the Enters (similar question: http://megadrupal.com/forum/theme-support/alpine/821)
We are not updating this, you just do not enter.
Thank you
Hy Cindy,
our Google Map doesn´t show up anymore. I tried your solution allready, but it didn´t work here:
Any other ideas?
Thank you for an answer
Hi Hesto,
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account? We would like to have a check on your site.
Please remember to check "Private message" for security reason.
Plroblem fixed already
Please clear cache!
Hy again,
unfortunatly the error appeared again, the GMap is gone again. If you could let me know, what happend, I probably could fix it myself?!
Than you for anyy help!
Please open awecontent.module(sites\all\modules\custom\md_awecontent), then replace
Hy Khoa,
there ist no module md_awecontent in our Version :(
Any other ideas?
Thank you!
Hi Hesto,
You can please download module Awecontent from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/hesto) and move it to sites\all\modules\custom.
Hello Phuonght,
thanks for the info. I installed the module, activated it (plus md media and md awecontent), replaced the Google Code lines (all of them) with code from #9, but it still doesn´t work. I tried it with and without code changes. No result :(
Any other suggestions?
Thank you!
Hi Hesto,
Please download this https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjir31d4gpxvffk/awecontent.module?dl=0
and update in sites\all\modules\custom\md_awecontent
Hy again,
iam so sorry, but still no changes :(
So please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment so we can have a check.
Thank you.
Hi Hesto,
Can you please let me know the name of content of homepage. I went to http://humboldtsaal.de/admin/content, but I cannot find homepage content.
Thank you!
Hello again,
it on the Homepage under "Kontakt". The map shoud be unter the address:
Reservix GmbH, Humboldtstraße 2, 79098 Freiburg
Thank you!
Hi Hesto,
When I go to http://humboldtsaal.de/admin/content, I cannot know the name of homepage. Can you please tell me what the name of it is?
Hy again,
I don´t know, how the theme ist putting the Homepage together... We filled out the lat & long data in the Theme settings, thats it. Even if I open a plain Version from the theme I can`t find a specific Node for the home content. Sorry.
Ok, we fixed it with an own Mapblock.
Please read this comment: http://megadrupal.com/comment/14532#comment-14532
Please give me your FTP & Website account.
Please remember to make a backup of code + database before sending me that info.