Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

monsterweb's picture
Thu, 11/06/2014 - 16:52
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

I installed the MD Slider on a client site yesterday and, after some digging, I realized this module does not work properly for editing if using Media module 7.x-2.x. I successfully downgraded Media to 7.x-1.4 and everything seems to work just fine now, but today I noticed another issue: jQuery errors when viewing a slider as an admin. 

The error being output is one related to jquery.easing.js (located in sites/all/modules/md_slider/js/jquery.easing.js). As soon as I mouse over the slider or attempt to click on a contextual link, the error "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" is output over and over and over. When you mouse over the slider there's an error. When you move the mouse off the slider area, there's an error. 

Any advice would be much appreciate as we really want to use this slider on the client's site. I'm including the Drupal version and, to my knowledge, relevant related modules.

  • Drupal 7.32
  • MD Slider 7.x-2.15
  • Media 7.x-1.4
  • jQuery Update 7.x-2.4 (also tried 7.x-2.4+5-dev)
  • jQuery 1.4.4 and jQuery UI 1.8.7
cindy's picture
Fri, 11/07/2014 - 03:51

Please check the permission of jQuery.easing.js in md_slider/js/
Or just send us your site's url and admin account as well as ftp account to cindy@megadrupal.com (also this forum link)

monsterweb's picture
Fri, 11/07/2014 - 10:40

Hello Cindy,

The permissions of the md_slider folder and md_slider/js are both 755 and the jQuery.easing.js file is 644. It seems everything else works including the Edit and Configure page, plus the slideshow itself seems to rotate properly including transitions. Any ideas?

I'd send you the direct link but it's on a live site so I was hoping to figure something out before resorting to giving you the admin login. If needed, I guess I could add a new role and account just for you so that you can see the slideshow...let me know.

cindy's picture
Fri, 11/07/2014 - 21:52

Yeah, we need the site's url and admin account to check this problem
It would be much better and more convenient
Please send us via cindy@megadrupal.com (also this forum link) asap!

Thank you!

monsterweb's picture
Tue, 11/11/2014 - 12:22

Hello Cindy! I added you as a Super Admin (should have all permissions) using the email you provided.

I actually don't have the original issue anymore, but I am having trouble with the slides as I can't delete a slide once added. When I click the "x" the dialog pops up asking "Are you sure want to delete this slide? After accepting this slide will be removed completely." and I click "Ok". The problem is that the slide isn't removed.

I already made the changes recommended by the following comment to fix another issue http://megadrupal.com/comment/841#comment-841. It removed the issue of "Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_include_browser_js() in /home/[client_account]/public_html/sites/all/modules/md_slider/includes/md_slider.admin.inc on line 474"


cindy's picture
Wed, 11/12/2014 - 04:33

You sent us the mail from MW Distro Team, didn't you?
Please try the updated version of MD Slider first (we sent to your email)
If the problem still occurs, please send us the site's url and admin account to cindy@megadrupal.com (also this forum link)


monsterweb's picture
Wed, 11/12/2014 - 10:14


What version? We're already using 2.15, so is there a 2.16? Additionally, yes, we were the "MW Distro Team". Since it's a development site we didn't change the site name yet, lol.

Lastly, did you send something to the email billing[at]monsterweb.net or development[at]monsterweb.net?

cindy's picture
Thu, 11/13/2014 - 21:35

We sent you the fixed version of 2.15 to o the mail that you used to register in our forum

monsterweb's picture
Thu, 11/13/2014 - 10:22

Hello Cindy,

I have not seen anything come through to that email. What would the from address be and the subject?

Additionally, please remove my email from your last comment asap. I purposely did not type out the normal email address schema with the @ symbol so it would not be harvested by spambots. As your forum is publicly accessible, that's a problem. Thanks!

cindy's picture
Thu, 11/13/2014 - 21:36

Hi Monsterweb,
Sorry for publishing the email
We can not reply your email. Please use another email to contact us (cindy@megadrupal.com)
We will re-send you the updated version

monsterweb's picture
Fri, 11/14/2014 - 11:31

Hey Cindy, I've updated the slider with v2.16 but still no luck on deleting the slides. Message pops up asking if I'm sure I want to delete, and I click OK but the slide stays put. I am able to "Disable" the slide but from a usability standpoint this is bad. Is there something else missing like wrong version of jQuery on Drupal backend or something? Here's what I'm using right now:

  • Drupal 7.32
  • jQuery 1.7.1 and jQuery UI 1.10.2


**Side note: I really like what you guys have done with the MD Slider / Mega Slider and it seems like it's really close to being a truly awesome piece of work. Thanks for helping to resolve these bugs!

cindy's picture
Fri, 11/14/2014 - 21:36

Could you please resend the site's url and admin account to cindy@megadrupal.com
We will check your issue

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