Juc1's picture
Sun, 11/02/2014 - 14:24

Hi all,

In the config page admin/structure/md-slider/1/configure there is a checkbox for "Generate css file" - what difference does this make?

Also I can target objects like this:

.md-layer-0-0-1, .md-layer-0-0-2, .md-layer-0-0-0,{
color: white;

but is there a selector for "all objects on slider 1, slide 1" ie rather than a long list of selectors for each object?

I tried things like
.md-layer-0-0 {
color: white;

but it did not seem to work.


cindy's picture
Mon, 11/03/2014 - 05:53


About the "Generate css file", after finishing every configuration and editing the slider, checking "Generate css file" will generate CSS to make the site load faster

About your code, please add !important
For instance, color: white !important;


Juc1's picture
Thu, 11/06/2014 - 09:07

@ Cindy - sorry I don't understand.

# 1

> About the "Generate css file", after finishing every configuration and editing the slider, checking "Generate css file" will
> generate CSS to make the site load faster

So is there a default CSS file and then an additional CSS file if you check the checkbox? If so are these files named or stored differently?

# 2

.md-layer-0-1-5 {

selects md-slider 1, slide 2, layer 6 - is there any selector for all layers on md-slider 1, slide 2?


cindy's picture
Fri, 11/07/2014 - 04:25

Yes, if you check "Generate css file" there will be an additional CSS file which is named differenlty

If you want to style each element, you can inspect it

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