How to add image overlay

Tominator's picture
Thu, 07/31/2014 - 03:28
How to add image overlay


i'm trying to add an overlay (color or pattern) to the .mdf-mainimg so the text (childs of .mdf-objects) is not affected. This works well but if the transition comes in and switches to the next slide then the overlay is removed for the time of transitioning. Looks not very good.

I would be glad for an advice how to add an image overlay the is persitent in the case of transition without affecting the childs of .mdf-objects

Best regards

Neo's picture
Thu, 07/31/2014 - 06:19

Hi Tominator, The effect apply to background image only so the best way to add image overlay is using image editor software (like photoshop) and add it.

You can try to edit md_fullscreen_slider/js/front/mdf-fullscreen-slider.js, find:

strip = $('<div class="mdslider-strip"></div>')

and add overlay here, this is where transition happend. But some transition might not work :)

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