Background image & full screen

adamtk's picture
Wed, 07/09/2014 - 20:07
Background image & full screen

How do I selected a slide to have a background image? When I click 'Settings' => 'Choose Image' it comes up as expected and I select the image. The thumb nail appears. I click save, however the slide background image isn't updated. Is this just me, or is this a bug in the latest version? The documentation shows add background image on the main slide window, not under settings.

I thought it may be permissions, however I am able to select a thumbnail option, click save and then thumbnail is remembered when re-opening.

I was then going to write some JS to scale the div to full screen dynamically, as the slider doesn't seem to have a full height option.

cindy's picture
Thu, 07/10/2014 - 00:56

Please download the latest version 2.13


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