Error upon save

tedwyer's picture
Sat, 06/21/2014 - 16:57
Error upon save

Hi. Installed MD Slider and any attempt to save a change results in "Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_include_browser_js() in /home/cca/public_html/dnews/sites/all/modules/md_slider/includes/ on line 45" Any idea as to how to fix this?

Thank you


cindy's picture
Mon, 06/23/2014 - 01:14

We are working on your issue and will feedback you asap


cindy's picture
Tue, 06/24/2014 - 00:06

Are you using Media alpha?
Please use the beta version of Media instead


tedwyer's picture
Sat, 07/05/2014 - 19:02

There's not a beta version available. I'm using the Alpha 3 version which is the same version that came with MD Max and that works fine in Max. I tried the newest dev version but that give me a new set of errors.

tedwyer's picture
Sun, 07/06/2014 - 14:53

Ok, so I uninstalled, manually, the Alpha2 V of Media and dropped the tables as necessary and tried to install the 7.1x vers of Media and it broke the site and caused many errors. I fixed that by uninstalling Media, again, and ran update and installed the Alpha3 Media v and all was good. MD Slider now works with the Alpha3 V of Media. And so does my site.

cindy's picture
Sun, 07/06/2014 - 23:36

Hi Tedwyer
Thank you very much for your feedback!


WDgreen's picture
Wed, 10/08/2014 - 14:28

I too am now getting this error. I am unable to downgrade media as well. Any suggestions.

WDgreen's picture
Wed, 10/08/2014 - 14:30

The error is in the edit page. I could have sworn I had this working and a recent upgrade broke it.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_include_browser_js() in /public_html/sites/all/modules/md_slider/includes/ on line 474

WDgreen's picture
Wed, 10/08/2014 - 23:16

Ok I chased the errors. I am using the latest MEDIA 7.x-2.0-alpha4 as well as file entity.

Here is what I had to do:

Replace media_include_browser_js() with media_wysiwyg_include_browser_js();
comment or remove the line include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'media_wysiwyg') . '/wysiwyg_plugins/';

That got rid of my first errors then allowing me to go to the edit page.

I encountered another unrelated to mdslider error with changing photos because of the Media Youtube module.


return media_access('create', $account); to return file_entity_access('create', $account);
Everything is working now

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