Layer ordering

gusreiber's picture
Tue, 05/27/2014 - 20:29
Layer ordering

In general, this is a very slick module.
Layer ordering only seems to work in the edit view. But when I save the slider and view it on the page, the layer order is often incorrect. Is there some magic trick I am missing?

Also, is it possible to keep a layer on the screen, carrying over from one slide to the next? Or at least not be removed from the stage until the background exit animation is complete?

cindy's picture
Wed, 05/28/2014 - 23:57

Could you send us your site so that we can take a look at your layer problem?
About the animation, you can choose "Keep in Slide" in "Stop Animation" and the layer will be remained until the slide is over.

gusreiber's picture
Thu, 05/29/2014 - 10:31

So unfortunately, the site is still in development, so it is not publicly accessible.
It seems like the layer ordering eventually corrects itself, maybe after I run CRON, maybe after I clear my Drupal Cache. Since I am still in development, I don't actually have any caching turned on and I am not sure why CRON would be related, but I have noticed after I do some "stuff" the slide show corrects itself. The same seems to be true for text style applications, and maybe for exit and entrance animation effects.

I am pretty sure I have seen other posts complaining of a similar issue.
Can you tell me if running CRON or flushing the cache make sense as layer order fixing steps, or why else over time the issue seems to self correct?

...I am sorry, I know it would be better if I could give you direct site access or at least repro steps that didn't involve "do some stuff", but if you can point me at the general way in which the layer ordering is resolved, I can give back a good bit better issue description.

Thanks again for your great module.

cindy's picture
Fri, 05/30/2014 - 04:10

If your site has not published yet, please export your site database and then send us via [email protected] so that we can check your problem

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