Loading Improvements

ownage's picture
Wed, 05/23/2018 - 14:56
Loading Improvements

Regarding January's update that incorporated a preloader:

Now nothing else seems to load while the preloader is loading. This includes every interactive element on my page as well as the Mega Menu dropdown.

Why is the loading of my slides stalling the loading of my other site elements?

Could Mega Drupal please fix the preloading code to gracefully load the slides? This is also referred to as "Lazy Loading" or "Progressive Loading" which only loads one slide at a time. Not only would the slider be able to appear quicker, but other elements on the page would be able to load at the same time.

cindy's picture
Wed, 05/23/2018 - 22:30

Hi there,

Our developer is unavailable for some days because of his business. So, please wait for us. 

We will notify you as soon as he's back

Many thanks!

cindy's picture
Fri, 06/01/2018 - 05:50


We check your website and do not see the preloader, did you install the latest version?

You can send us your account to check again

ownage's picture
Tue, 06/05/2018 - 12:01

Hey Cindy! Thanks for the reply, I didn't get an email that you wrote back so am just seeing now! 

I've updated the dev site. Will email you credentials again (they have not changed).

ownage's picture
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 03:54

Hey Cindy, I got a complaint from my client stating the slider takes quite a while to load. I have compressed my images as small as possible to not deter our quality requirement (1920x600 x8 slides = 4 MB), but that's only a very small fraction of what would actually help this issue-- these two improvements are paramount to speed up load time:

1) Please Incorporate Lazy Loading (Progressive Loading)

In order to create a perceived performance for users, we as authors shouldn’t allow the loading of every single image at once for sliders or carousels. The Lazy Loading feature comes built into most modern slider modules, so it comes as a surprise that Mega Slider is lacking this feature:

Here's another Drupal Slider module: https://www.drupal.org/project/owlcarousel

A demo of the lazy loading: http://www.landmarkmlp.com/js-plugin/owl.carousel/demos/lazyLoad.html

2) Please Utilize Image Styles for Mobile Devices

As you know, mobile devices load MUCH slower than PCs. Simply put, if the user is viewing on a device (say a viewport width of less than 800 pixels), Mega Slider should be using a smaller (scaled down) Image Style for that device so the original large desktop version of the images don't have to load. 4 MB is A LOT to load for every mobile device Home Page request.

Could you please speak to your developing team to have these features incorporated?

Thank you for your great ongoing support on this module.

cindy's picture
Thu, 11/15/2018 - 03:38


Thank you very much for your concern and your suggestion

I have conveyed your comment to our developer to see if those features could be added in future version. 

Best Regards,

christian.schoen's picture
Fri, 02/01/2019 - 02:56

Hello, lazy loading would be very important and should be possible...

cindy's picture
Fri, 02/01/2019 - 03:26


We are off now for holiday. It is our national Lunar New Year. We will resume our service on 11th, Feb, 2019

Then I will as our dev if this feature could be added in next update

Thank you!

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