.md-slide-items overflow issues

mehunter7's picture
Thu, 04/06/2017 - 11:02
.md-slide-items overflow issues

I have a suggestion to an issue I am having. The .md-slide-items div wrapper has a min-height set on it so the loader will show. The issue is that when the window is shrunk down, this wrapper overflows over the content below the slider, making the content just below inaccessible to clicks. Can I suggest to adding to your removeLoader function a line that removes the min-height style. I added something like 't(".md-slide-items").css("min-height","")' to the minified javascript, and it seems be working fine with the loader showing, while removing the min-height so the overflow isn't an issue anymore.

I hope this helps!

phuonght's picture
Fri, 04/07/2017 - 03:54


Thank you for your feedback. We will check and apply if it is possible.

Thank you.

Huntwood's picture
Tue, 04/11/2017 - 11:55

Following this topic (have had the same issue).

phuonght's picture
Tue, 04/11/2017 - 22:44

Hi Huntwood, 

Please check your email.

Thank you.

Huntwood's picture
Wed, 04/12/2017 - 18:48


That worked - thanks very much.

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