Trying to get the latest D8 version of MD slider

Guido Delver's picture
Guido Delver
Wed, 03/01/2017 - 07:49
Trying to get the latest D8 version of MD slider


I am working with the beta3 version of the slider which is from may last year. 

How can I get the latest version (beta* or rc? or ..) of md slider?

Some htings still dont work properly... like the some of the animations (like the vertical ones) go outside the viewport on a mobile device

I have bought 2 licenses ...

Thanks for helping me out, Guido

phuonght's picture
Wed, 03/01/2017 - 21:35

Hi Guido,

Just sent you the latest version of slider by email. Check your mailbox please.

Thank you.

Guido Delver's picture
Guido Delver
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 07:35


Thanks, I checked the zip file, an import finding:

In the zip file the directory name is "md-slider" that (to my opinion) should be "md_slider" otherwise the system will break after replacing the older directory. I renamed the directory and it worked again.

Cheers, Guido

ftadmin's picture
Fri, 03/24/2017 - 17:24

Please send me the latest version also

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