Update problems

tumbledown100's picture
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 03:44
Update problems

I am using megaslider on an Aegir installation and Aegir is not allowing me to upgrade from 7x2.18 to 7x2.19

In the .install file,  the older module has a higher schema version -number 7310 - compared to the newer module's 7300

The old 7x2.18 version is
 * Implement hook_update_N()
 * Update weight module md_slider
function md_slider_update_7310() {
  $success = db_update('system')
              ->fields(array('weight' => 999))
              ->condition('name', 'md_slider', '=')
  if ($success) {
    return "Update weight module md_slider successful";

The new 7x2.19 version is
 * Implement hook_update_N()
 * Update weight module md_slider
function md_slider_update_7300() {
  $success = db_update('system')
              ->fields(array('weight' => 999))
              ->condition('name', 'md_slider', '=')
  if ($success) {
    return "Update weight module md_slider successful";

Is this right?

What should the version be for 7x2.18?

Can you email me a copy of the 7.2.18 module


phuonght's picture
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 22:42


Please go to your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/tumbledown100) and try to update latest version of mega slider 7.x-2.20. 

If it still does not work, you can please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment, we would like to have a check then fix problem for you.

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