Mega Slider Block is not being created

boulevardme's picture
Mon, 02/20/2017 - 15:04
Mega Slider Block is not being created

I just purchased a license from Mega Slider, installed it on Drupal 8 (Updated to the Latest Version) and created a slider, but it didn’t create a block so i can use it.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 02/20/2017 - 22:47


We checked but it worked normally. Can you please tell us which version of Drupal in your site? Or send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment so we can have a check then fix problem.

boulevardme's picture
Wed, 03/22/2017 - 12:38


It's been a month without any reply!

phuonght's picture
Wed, 03/22/2017 - 23:15


Somehow we missed this topic. However, we can not login your site. Can you please send us your site information again?

We need site admin account also.

phuonght's picture
Fri, 03/24/2017 - 22:49


We tried to access your site but got error. Can you please check again?

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