Recommended size for full width md slider

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 10/24/2016 - 23:56
Recommended size for full width md slider

Hi, I am using md slider 
 Fullwidth: Effect zone width 1199px
Height 584px

What is the recommended image size to upload in order to have more control of how the image on slider is being display?
Because i tried with images larger than the ones in the effect zone and shorters and the slide is being cut from the top so 
i really do not know what to do. Please check   the first md slider in header.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 10/25/2016 - 00:57


You can please inspect element to check slider's size in the largest screen (

Example: with our desktop 1920x1080 px, the largest slider will be 1860x660 px.

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