hello i am using adaptive theme and i receive the following error can not create a slide. under (admin/structure/md-slider/create)
my purchase code is
thank you.
Notice: Use of undefined constant MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UI - assumed 'MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UI' in md_slider_configure_form() (line 105 of /home/d7/public_html/drupal-7.50/sites/all/modules/md_slider/includes/md_slider.admin.inc).
Machine name cannot be longer than MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UI characters but is currently 2 characters long.
Maybe your Drupal core has some problems. Constant MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UI is defined in file Root/Modules/Menu/Menu.Module. You can please try to clear cache, run update.php.
If it still does not work, you can also go to file Sites/All/Modules/Custom/Md_slider/Includes/Md_slider.Admin.Inc, line 114, replace
'#Maxlength' => 27,
or send us FTP account by private comment. We will help you check and fix problem.