MD Slider features/issues

umesh24's picture
Mon, 07/25/2016 - 06:31
MD Slider features/issues

Hello Devs,

If you could please let us help adding below features then it would be great, 

1. Whilst adding image to slider we need to have image crop feature. Is it possible for you to add it? or is there a way we can achieve it by writing custom     module? Or can we use Manual Crop with the upload?

2. We want no animation/sliding effect when there is only single slide. The image stays as it is but the components over it disappears and reappear again. Could you please let us know if there is any settings or something that we could use to keep text still. 

Please reply to us as soon as possible as we need to solve this ASAP. 


Best Regards, 


umesh24's picture
Tue, 07/26/2016 - 04:51


Any update on this?


Best Regards,


cindy's picture
Tue, 07/26/2016 - 05:33

Hi Umesh24

Sorry for the late respond, as for your questions:

1. It is not possible now. Our MD Slider is built with module Media ( Media currently does not support cropping images, so you will have to manually crop your image before uploading

2. If, your slider has only one image, you should set your slider like this

umesh24's picture
Wed, 07/27/2016 - 07:26

Thanks Cindy, 

The one slider thingy worked for me. 

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