Image (re)sizing based on window dimensions

boris_pieper's picture
Sat, 05/28/2016 - 20:41
Image (re)sizing based on window dimensions


I want to use HQ (1920x1440 ~0.5 MB) images for the desktop version, and LQ (600x480 ~0.1 MB) images for smartphone and tablets - since those devices often have a very limited bandwith.

What would be the best way to do this?

Sincerally Boris

boris_pieper's picture
Sun, 05/29/2016 - 13:06

To clearify it: I do not want to "hide" those big images for mobile devices - but not sent them through the network at all (therefor their smaller LQ version should be sent/used)

cindy's picture
Sun, 05/29/2016 - 22:32


Thank you for your concern. However, our module does not support this function

We will consider your request for later version

Many thanks!

boris_pieper's picture
Mon, 05/30/2016 - 02:16

Hello, thanks for your reply.

It does not? Too bad :-(.

Can you mayb add that feature? I really wonder about no body else need/use that feature oO.

2 quick solutions I could image would be e.g.:

a) instead of the option to "hide" the layer on devices with with < x px, you can add an option to completly not show up (not rendering) or

b) a user agent filter like the "superfish" menu e.g. have.

If one of that two options could be added, I/we could just use that option and define 2 slider blocks (one for desktop, one for mobile).

Can you consider one of those for the "actuall version"?

Cheers Boris

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