I receive an error when I try to create a new slider:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'tandemswingfest74.media_filter_usage' doesn't exist: SELECT 1 FROM {media_filter_usage} WHERE fid > :fid LIMIT 0, 1; Array ( [:fid] => 0 ) inmedia_filter_usage_has_records() (line 686 ofC:\Users\Basilio\Sites\devdesktop\tandemswingfest7.4\sites\all\modules\media\includes\media.filter.inc)
We will check and reply ASAP :)
According to the warning message, Table media_filter_usage was missing.
This issue occurs when you update media 7.x-1.x -> 7.x-2.x or downgrade 7.x-2.x -> 7.x-1.x . You have to run update.php to finish updating.
Thanks Cindy, that solved the problem, but I have another error when I try to upload an image to the slider:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function file_info_file_types() inC:\Users\Basilio\Sites\devdesktop\tandemswingfest7.4\sites\all\modules\media\media.module on line 1085
Please download the latest version of media https://www.drupal.org/project/media and file entity https://www.drupal.org/project/file_entity
and run update
Thanks Cindy.
Worked for me. I didn't instaled the last version of Media because it was a beta one. But now it works properly.
Thanks a lot!