Track of the fonts

lorenzopaolini's picture
Wed, 09/02/2015 - 07:02
Track of the fonts

I have created a Mega slider area in my site and I have filled the proper line with the Open-sans google code. In this area the track of the fonts is more narrow than normal and, when the width is reduced, it becomes unreadable. Also if I choose a standard font as Arial or Tahoma instead of the Google font the track of the text becomes wrong. I already upgraded to the 2.18. Can you solve this problem?

cindy's picture
Thu, 09/03/2015 - 22:24

We check and see some problem:

1, The link font is not correct (our slider only supports importing link format like:,800,400 )

2, Embeding font in your theme is also incorrect and the font can not be loaded. You can enable Chrome developer tool to check

3, There are too many texts on a slide in your slider, that's why it is hard to read and display on small screen.  You can create more slides with auto play function (Admin/Structure/Md-Slider/2/Edit)

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