Remove MD Slider from Drupal 7.37

rbaub's picture
Tue, 06/02/2015 - 19:44
Remove MD Slider from Drupal 7.37

When I go to Modules in Drupal I can see MD Slider and I am not able to disable it.  There are some dependencies somewhere but I am not able to view them to see how I can remove the dependencies.  Where do I go to see the dependencies?

phuonght's picture
Tue, 06/02/2015 - 22:43


Do you use MD slider in any content type? If it is in use, please remove first then disable MD slider.

rbaub's picture
Mon, 06/08/2015 - 18:49

At one point the MD slider was used but it is no longer used, still not able to disable.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 06/09/2015 - 05:53

Could you send us your site url and admin account (forrum link as well) via email: [email protected].

We need to have a check.

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