Cannot add images in ver 2.17

ledbelly2142's picture
Wed, 05/27/2015 - 14:02
Cannot add images in ver 2.17

Hi, having an issue with adding images. We are using MD Slider version 2.17, Drupal 7.37. We are not using the YouTube module (so no conflict). I did notice that the MD Slider module seems to require jQuery vresion 1.9 to work in the admin theme.

When editing or adding a slide, to select the background imate, nothing happens when you click "Choose image". One of the errors in the logs that may be related: 

Undefined index: background_image_alt in md_slider_edit_form_submit() (line 653 of /sites/all/modules/premium/md_slider/includes/ 

How can we fix this? I have sent login credentials to [email protected]

cindy's picture
Thu, 05/28/2015 - 23:54


Please check your email

ledbelly2142's picture
Sun, 05/31/2015 - 18:35

Thanks, I updated the site with the module update. I get a new error, sent it to you via email. Still cannot upload images. Here is the error: 

otice: Undefined index: background_overlay in include() (line 37 of /sites/all/modules/premium/md_slider/templates/admin/admin_slides_render.tpl.php).

cindy's picture
Sun, 05/31/2015 - 22:50


It is because we add function "background overlay" into slider

Please re-save your slider

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