Hi, having an issue with adding images. We are using MD Slider version 2.17, Drupal 7.37. We are not using the YouTube module (so no conflict). I did notice that the MD Slider module seems to require jQuery vresion 1.9 to work in the admin theme.
When editing or adding a slide, to select the background imate, nothing happens when you click "Choose image". One of the errors in the logs that may be related:
Undefined index: background_image_alt in md_slider_edit_form_submit() (line 653 of /sites/all/modules/premium/md_slider/includes/md_slider.admin.inc)
How can we fix this? I have sent login credentials to [email protected]
Please check your email
Thanks, I updated the site with the module update. I get a new error, sent it to you via email. Still cannot upload images. Here is the error:
otice: Undefined index: background_overlay in include() (line 37 of /sites/all/modules/premium/md_slider/templates/admin/admin_slides_render.tpl.php).
It is because we add function "background overlay" into slider
Please re-save your slider