Hi, cool tool. I have installed and enabled mega menu. my only problem now is, how to make it appear under my navigation. yes, I have the main navigation (menus) block assigned. however, nothing is appearing on my menu. It doesn't appear to be dynamic. I also don't see any manual or video that shows me how to properly use it. I see the "settings", "elements", etc, however, I don't see anywhere on the screen where I can "save" my changes, nor do i see how to make it appear on my main website?
Tue, 03/19/2019 - 10:42
You can please check our documentation here https://docs.megadrupal.com/drupal-8/megamenu/
Our module megamenu can be used to edit an existing menu or create a new menu
Each megamenu is a block, you just need to assign block megamenu into a region
Do I need to create my menus manually in your mega menu settings, or mega menu is smart enough to pick it up dynamically from my existing menus and show it? Yes under "block layout" -> Main Navigation -> I have enabled the "main navigation" menu, and still nothing appears, it is static and not working. Your documentation is not that intuitive on what to do, There is no video as well. thanks
I noticed that it doesn't show the dropdown menus of my existing menu. Do i need to add these manually again in your mega menu "settings" or is it smart enough to know that a menu has a child menu and show it?
How do I use your mega menu on my existing menus? I am lost thanks.
You can follow these steps:
1: To add new menu or edit an existing menu: You just tick checkbox Enable Megamenu => save to display a blue pen button
2: click Add link button to add links => pen button to edit and synch data of megamenu and drupal menu
3: This is building page: http://prntscr.com/n0s37m
Check menu type:
+ Menu type normal: a normal link without submenu
+ Menu type mega: menu with submenu, you can drag and drop elements from panel.
+ Menu type list: menu with submenu. This is a list links menu. Yet, you have to tick "Show as expanded"
You can add link at list links page of the menu or add dynamic link with another module.
For example, we create a new basic page with some config like this http://prntscr.com/n1d8z8
Result: the new menu item will auto display on mega menu: http://prntscr.com/n1d9th
Note :
+ If sub menu items does not display at frontend (yet it still display in Drupal's list menu), you shuold check if th checkbox "Show as expanded" of parent menu item is selected or not
+ In case you rearrange menu items to other level, you need to repoen menu builder and save right after your config so that our module can update your data