A necessary feature request to generate md_menu_main.css automatically on importing configuration

dbjpanda's picture
Thu, 10/11/2018 - 12:00
A necessary feature request to generate md_menu_main.css automatically on importing configuration

I exported the configuration and content. Used CI/CD to deploy to my server. I use composer to manage my Drupal project. Which I think is a standard process to build Drupal sites now a days. Keeping these standard in mind MD_MEGA menu should obey the standard of Drupal's configuration rule.  Everytime I push my configuration to server I need to go to the md megamenu settings and manually click on save button which then generates the md_menu_main.css . But it should be automated on importing configuration. Kindly notice this issue and fix it. Otherwise I have to ask this queston in public forum exposing your code base which I think it will harm your business. 

cindy's picture
Thu, 10/11/2018 - 22:54

We have just released version md_megamenu_8.x-1.5.zip. Please check your email for the file cause it has not been uploaded and pulished to our forum yet

Please download, extract file and update to execute hook md_megamenu_update_8105. If it runs correctly, there will be a notice "update table md_megamenu_items 8105" in log

If not, open phpmyadmin, add field "rendered_style" to table "md_megamenu_items" like this http://prntscr.com/l4t943

After update, just re-save setting of megamenu so that it could render file custom css to folder "md_megamenu/assets/css/custom" in module megamenu and save stye in field "rendered_style" of table "md_megamenu_items".

Then, when you push your site online from localhost, you also have to push file css in folder custom online or clear drupal cache. This will make megamenu get style in "rendered_style" and auto create custom css file 

Also, please note that we only support default setting of our module. Any extra customize request can be consider to be charged or not. We are kind of busy, so we could not customize our module for every customers. Only new features that are requested by many customers will be added 

And it is illegal if you reveal our code!!!

There are certain things that you can expect from our Support forum:

  • We always have bug-related and technical support in priority

  • We are happy to receive proposals and ideas

  • Tiny custom requests can be served (low priority, depending on workload and good will

There are certain things that are out of scope and will not be handled by our team:

  • Generic Drupal questions

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aaronc's picture
Tue, 11/06/2018 - 17:37

Thanks for adding in the update_hook, however if this is your first time installing you will never hit this update_hook since the module is the same version as the update #.

You guys should update the hook_install to add this field as well. Something along the lines of.

'rendered_style' => array(  'description' => 'render style of  the menu item',  'type' => 'blob',  'size' => 'big',  'not null' => false,),
cindy's picture
Tue, 11/06/2018 - 22:00

Hello Aaronc,

Thank you very much for your contribution

We are highly apreciated! Will check and consider to update for next version

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