Expandable level in mega menu element

khm's picture
Thu, 09/13/2018 - 04:00
Expandable level in mega menu element


we've implemented the mega menu in production with some modifications/adaptions to our installation and it works very well.

I have some question, perhaps a future idea. would it be possible to add an expandable level into the md menu? 

So it would function like this 

  1. Mouse over a main menu element > mega menu opens

  2. Mouse over/click a menu item in the mega menu > sub elements/links show/roll up either link an accordion or a hover window.

Reason for asking

We have a pretty large site. It is not possible to include all levels in the current setup as the menu would get too deep. But with a roll out or accordion function it might be possible.


cindy's picture
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 00:46

Do you have any plan to update your site from Drupal7 to Drupal8? Because Megamenu version for Drupal8 can meet your requirements

With Megamenu ver 8, you can create multi level menu and add sub-Megamenu for a menu item. It also uses Drig and Drop principle to asign elements into menu. There are also a lot of elements such as tabs, accordion, chart,video, masonry grid, slideshow, ... with a convenient preview mode like front-end



For more information you can check here https://megadrupal.com/project/md-megamenu

Yet, there are more limits with Megamenu for Drupal7 http://prntscr.com/ku7jt4

We will not update Megamenu Drupal7 like its Drupal8 version. If you need a special version of Megamenu for Drupal7 which has the same function and interface of Drupal8 ver, we could develop a custom version for you, yet it may cost much. So please consider 

We will consider to support elments tabs, accordion for megamenu Drupal 7 for future version (we are not sure when they are added)

khm's picture
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 03:18

Hi Cindy

Thank you for your reply. We have not yet decided on an upgrade. it will happen but our site uses quite a few components that don't exist for 8 yet. Therefore it is hard to say when that might happen.

We use a very simple, text based approach with the mega menu. But might take advantage of more of the features in the future. Expandable levels is interesting to us so I'd appreciate to get a quote on that if possible, in a private message. Thanks :)

cindy's picture
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 22:58


Because users cannot see private message from Megadrupal

So we sent you an email aready

Please check

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