I executed "drush cim" and then "drush cr" but the megamenu did not work. Instead I got this
Refused to apply style from 'http://blogenic.localhost/sites/default/files/awe-menu-css/md_menu_main....' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
Then I manually clicked on save button on megamenu and it worked. This is not good for CI. So need to be fixed.
All parameter in tab style ara in file css in folder sites/default/files/awe-menu-css, This file css is created everytimr you save buider.
When you push your datdaa online (server live) from your localhost, you have to push folder awe-menu-css also.
If not, you should open builder and resave to render new file css on server live .
But this is not a right way in Drupal devops. Nowdays everyone use CI to deploy. So can you ask your developers to provide a right solution.
Sorry, now you have to do it manually. This is not really an error of our module.
This is not an error. This is a feature request which is a necessery part of the module. Because it is always not possible to manually click on the Save button always while deploying via CI. Also it is not a right way to ship site/default/files/* to your production site. Please concern with your best developer regarding this.
Hi any update on it ? I don't understand why your team has no voice or not interested to solve it ? Do you guys want your module limited to use by only small sites who doesn't use CI for deployent ?
We have just released version md_megamenu_8.x-1.5.zip. Please check your email for the file cause it has not been uploaded and pulished to our forum yet
Please download, extract file and update to execute hook md_megamenu_update_8105. If it runs correctly, there will be a notice "update table md_megamenu_items 8105" in log
If not, open phpmyadmin, add field "rendered_style" to table "md_megamenu_items" like this http://prntscr.com/l4t943
After update, just re-save setting of megamenu so that it could render file custom css to folder "md_megamenu/assets/css/custom" in module megamenu and save stye in field "rendered_style" of table "md_megamenu_items".
Then, when you push your site online from localhost, you also have to push file css in folder custom online or clear drupal cache. This will make megamenu get style in "rendered_style" and auto create custom css file