Logo on Different Media Queries

aselby's picture
Sun, 07/29/2018 - 19:17
Logo on Different Media Queries

Hey Folks,

Thank you again for such an awesome menu.  I am in the process of theming my new site and I would like to use a different logo depending on the media query.  I seem unable to do this with CSS since the logo in the menu is not a background image.  Would you have suggestions on how I might go about doing this?  This is a Drupal 7 site and it is not yet live.


cindy's picture
Mon, 07/30/2018 - 03:42


we send you an email but we get error. our email was rejected 

Please contact us first (write us via [email protected]), we will send you the custom version with your request supported

aselby's picture
Mon, 07/30/2018 - 11:56

Great - I just sent you an email. Thanks,

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