How to 'unclick' a submenu?

andrewdru's picture
Wed, 05/30/2018 - 18:41
How to 'unclick' a submenu?

Hi team,

(by the way, I can't seem to insert pictures using drag and drop or upload - I had to put the picture below on a link to show it here.)

I have this green mega menu showing it's 2nd child level expanded as seen in the image below. The submenus are set to show as normal menu items, not as megamenus. The menu expands down from the single grey word above it, 'Menu'.

The menu is set to be activated on 'click'. 

So, when I click on Events, in the image, the submenu expands nicely. 

But I don't know how to get rid of it. There seems to be no way of banishing that 2nd child level element containing the Workshops and Retreats items without clicking somewhere away from the menu altogether. And our users will want to explore this menu - expanding the Events item, and then compressing it and going on to explore potential other 2nd level child menus under the other topics in the green menu. 

So, how does the user dismiss that 2nd child submenu under events without dismissing the whole menu?

Thanks for your help.

Image title

cindy's picture
Thu, 05/31/2018 - 23:19


The only way to dismiss submenu level 2 of the current menu item is clicking on other menu item. 

Or do we misunderstand you?

andrewdru's picture
Fri, 06/01/2018 - 01:42

Thanks! But hmmm... If I click on another menu item I go to that menu item's url, rather than merely collapsing the child menu. See and click the grey menu icon at the top left, and then the Events sub-item.

cindy's picture
Fri, 06/01/2018 - 05:16


When you click on other menu item,  you will be redirected to the url of that menu item because it does not have submenu. It is just a normal menu link. If it has submenu, you will not be redirected 

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