I want MD Megamenu to not effect my Navigation bar

dbjpanda's picture
Wed, 12/20/2017 - 16:09
I want MD Megamenu to not effect my Navigation bar

As I can see there are 6/7  styles or colors for navigation bar or header. But I did not like any one of them. So I want to use my bootstrap theme default's navigation bar position and color and responsive mobile menu. But want to use MD megamenu to place block in the submenu section. How to achieve it ? I am using D8.

cindy's picture
Thu, 12/21/2017 - 21:27


You cannot change html structure of md-megamenu. You just choose one menu type that you prefer (standard/.../.../outright) and modify its style by create its own skin in folder theme. Then our Md Megamenu will generate option in setting allowing you to choose skin and color 

For example: 
+ Create a folder named megamenu_skin in your active theme folder
+ In folder megamenu_skin, you create 2 folders: skin_1 and skin_2, then create file megamenu_skin.yml ( the name megamenu_skin.yml is compulsory)
+ Write file css for skin 1, skin 2, using some available class of our megameu such as awemenu-default, awemenu-item,... or in buider tab css, declare class for elements and use these classes to write css
+ you can declare serveral skins in file megamenu_skin.yml. Each skin contains name, skin (file style for megamenu), color (color for mega menu - don not decalre if you do not need)

  name: Gold Skin 1
    - skin_1/skin_1.css
    - skin_1/skin_1_fix.css
    - skin_1/color-a.css
    - skin_1/color-b.css
  name: Silver Skin 2
    - skin_2/skin_2.css
    - skin_2/skin_2_fix.css

After finish, open with builder and you can see 2 newly-added skins (Gold Skin 1 and Silver Skin 2) apart from 2 skins: Default and Classsic
Note: You can name folder and file css the way you like but you must name file *.yml tobe megamenu_skin.yml

cindy's picture
Thu, 12/21/2017 - 22:31

Also, please check your email

We have sent you update of required module to fix custom skin issue

dbjpanda's picture
Sat, 01/06/2018 - 14:20

As you said I created megamenu_skin.yml, skin_1 and skin_2  inside   drupal/modules/md_megamenu/assets/css/awemenu/themes/megamenu_skin , Rebuild cache but unable to see the custom skin. Can you send me one example please. 

cindy's picture
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 23:45

You put folder megamenu_skin in a wrong location. 

You should place in your active theme folder. For example, core/ themes/bartik (not in megamenu module)


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