issue bandwidth optimalisation for Javascript related to MD-megamenu

KeystoneRick's picture
Sun, 10/15/2017 - 04:48
issue bandwidth optimalisation for Javascript related to MD-megamenu

Is there a solution for the issue as mentioned in the subject?

Bandwidth optimalisation option: admin/settings/development/performance under subject "bandwidth optimalisation", option "merge Javascript".

cindy's picture
Sun, 10/15/2017 - 23:54


which version of megamenu are you using?

Please make sure that you are always use newest version (you can download in your account page

KeystoneRick's picture
Mon, 10/16/2017 - 02:52

MD Megamenu 7.x-1.24

cindy's picture
Thu, 10/19/2017 - 01:11

Do what exactly do you want? or what is your problem?

If you check that option, you have to clear cache every time afer you edit/modify/customize your megamenu to update the changes

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