We have a fairly complex (convoluted) design on the company website (custom built), which makes placement of the MD Menu somewhat of a challenge.
The site is built on/around panels, placing MD menu means using views/panels and that does not allow me to put it at the very top.
Ideally I'd like to put it into the area where drupal menus reside. For instance, I get path breadcrumb (which we use) above MD menu.
Is this something that should be done per code in the template files? A method I could try that would keep responsive function while putting MD menu in the drupal menu region? Not talking about admin menu, but the admin/structure/menu area.
Position of menu always depends on your views/ panels. However you can pleas send us your site admin account so we can take a look at.
You can please replace '2' at following code with block delta
and add to file template.