Starting to build a pilot site with megamenu I discover that add Item is not working. in the modal item window change column style is not working either. I have also found other functions that seems to be affected.
Site info
Using Megamenu 1.9 but installed it says 2.0 in admin/modules
site template uses Jquery 1.8 (don't know what sub-version)
aggregate javascript is turned off on pilot server but is in use on production. Will there be an issue with this later?
there are no scripts enhancements
I've tried to set up a menu on an independent installation (with JQuery 1.10) Add items work but if I build a menu on the other site and export data it doesn't work properly on import.
So I assume there are more things happening to the script side of things.
Please try latest version of mega menu that can be downloaded from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/khm). The latest version is 7.x-1.19.
Worked as a charm! Thank you sir!