[Link] Text

schuetze's picture
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 17:28
[Link] Text


if I add multiple links to a menu, there are a lot of [Link] widgets in die configuration area of the MD Mega Menu. If a search for a link to modify the target, I have to open several link widgets and check the name in the configuration dialogue. Would it be possible to show the link name in the [Link] widget? Like the [Header] ...


Image title

schuetze's picture
Tue, 02/21/2017 - 02:43

I've found the solution by myself. The reaction time to forum posts is really too slow!

Add the bold lines to the section of the 'a' type

<?php elseif ($type == 'a'):?>
<div class="md-bl ei-link ui-draggable ei-processed" data-title="Add a link" >
<input class="setting" type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="type=a&a_title=<?php print urldecode($item->a_title); ?>&a_path=<?php print $item->a_path; ?>&a_target=<?php print $item->a_target; ?>&a_icon=<?php print $item->a_icon; ?>&class=<?php print $item->class; ?>">
<a class="handle">+</a>
<span class="ei-label">[link]</span>
<span class="ei-text">
<span><?php print urldecode($item->a_title); ?></span>

<a class="ei-remove" href="#"></a>
<a class="ei-edit" href="#"></a>

Add the bold lines to the section of the 'a' type

<div data-title="Add a link" class="md-bl ei-link">
<input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" class="setting" />
<a class="handle">+</a><span class="ei-label">[link]</span>
<span class="ei-text"><span></span> </span>

<a href="#" class="ei-remove"></a>
<a href="#" class="ei-edit"></a>


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