Following code base I am working from.
Drupal Core 7.50
MD MegaMenu v 7.x-1.19
Media 7.x-2.x-dev
File Entity 7.x-2.x-dev
jQuery Update 7.x-2.7
I have followed the instructions to replace the jquery_update/replace/ui/ui directory with the jquery-ui-1.8.23/ui directory.
I have gone to the jquery_update configuration page and set the default jquery to 1.8
Here is a screenshot of when trying to add a megamenu.
The module mmenu is conflicting with the MD MegaMenu. As soon as I disabled that module everything worked. I am still using the code base listed above, however I have reverted the jquery_update back to it's default state.
Md_megamenu works well with jquery 1.4.4. And we do not understand clearly which is your problem. You can please send us your site admin account so we can have a check.