Under the Available updates list in Drupal, it shows MD MegaMenu 7.x-2.0 in red, and says "Not supported!" on the right. I logged into my MegaDrupal account, thinking that perpaps I needed to update this module. However, when I click on Update log on the MD MegaMenu page (http://megadrupal.com/project/md-megamenu) it shows me an empty popup. I have tried this in 3 different browsers, and got the same result in all of them.
Sun, 07/03/2016 - 14:22
It was our mistake in file .info. Please go to your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/jenniferlibby) to download updated version of Mega menu: Md_megamenu-7.X-1.18.Zip or simply edit file .info of current Mega menu in your site to 1.18.