Not able to update or save megamenus

chris.bergh's picture
Mon, 08/05/2013 - 14:58
Not able to update or save megamenus


I can't create or update any megamenus on my drupal 7 install. I keep getting the error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in md_megamenu_edit_links_form_submit() (line 1112 of .. sites/all/modules/md_megamenu/includes/

I updated jquery to version 1.8 from your video instructions, clear caches, and it still does not work.

The strange thing is that is was working when I installed. I did use an url component, but the deleted it given a search of your forum.

I can't use megamenu right now ... help!

chris.bergh's picture
Mon, 08/05/2013 - 14:59


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