I did not find an answer to this in the FAQ or anywhere else, so here it goes:
Are you planning on upgrading md megamenu for Drupal 8? If so, will I be able to upgrade my current Drupal 7 menu to Drupal 8 without too much trouble? Any plans at all about this?
Thank you for your concern about our product. We are developing a version for Drupal 8 and would like to notify customers when finishing all works.
Thanks.. Any idea how long time before it's available? A very rough estimate would do. Is it more than a year? less?
Hi Alan
It will take just some months more. We are trying to release it in May :)
Hello again!
Sorry to be a nuisance, but May is already upon us. Any updates about the ETA of the MegaMenu for Drupal 8?
Hi Alan,
Sorry for our delay however there is not any version of Mega menu for Drupal 8 available yet. Our team need more time to work with it and would like to notify you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your patience in advance.
Here I am again! (sorry to be such a pain!)
I imagine you have no news yet? not even an ETA?
Thanks for standing me out!
Hi Alan,
Sorry your inconvenience (again!) however we still can not release a version of mega menu for Drupal 8 at the moment.
Our developers are working hard and we hope that we can notify you in the soonest time.
Thank you.
I understand! I know what it's like developing on a deadline, no need to apologise! I was fishing for an ETA, but I suppose you don't have one?
Happy new year!
Aaaah just purchased Megamenu for Drupal, but it doesn't work for Drupal 8.3.0. The latest version I downloaded is "Md_megamenu-7.X-1.19.Zip". I hate to ask for a refund, but can you please tell me when MD Megamenu is available for Drupal 8.3.0?
Hi KingSergei,
Sorry for your inconvenience however we do not have any version of Megamenu for Drupal 8 at the moment so please send a refund request.
Thank you.