I just installed de MD menu module for drupal 7. Everything is working fine, exept adding a new menu item. When i click on add menu item a popup is showing, i can navigate trough the popup. But when i click on add, the button is not responsing. All other buttons works fine, but the most important button , the add button, is not responing.
How can i fix this problem? Because now i can't use the module.
Grtz Edwin
Edit: I already installed the new jquery update. My theme (bootstrap) needs 1.7 for his functions.
Could you send us some screenshots of problem?
A sreenshot is difficult because everything look normal, bit only the add button is nog responsing.
See photo for screenshot
Please try this solution firts:
+ Run update.php
+ Check again after run update.php to see if it works
+ If not, please use JqueryUpdate version 3.0https://www.drupal.org/project/jquery_update
+ Config version theme admin (seven) 1.4.4
After all those solution, if it still doesn't work, just send us your credentials (site url, admin account + FTP account) we will check and fix your issue
Hi Cindy,
Unfortunly it does not work.. i have run update.php ander my jquaryupdate is 3.0 i have tryed different jquery versions but it does not fix the problem:(
Please help me. Thanks!
Problem comes from file /sites/all/modules/logos_showcase/js/tooltip.js. Please check your function tooltip if it exits before it is called, use follwing code:
Super. Thanks a lot!
Hi, I also have the same issue. I ave tried to look for the file mentioned above but it is not the folder stated, the only place I can see a file named similar is in: sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replaceui/ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.js
When I have looked at the contents of this file I can't see where I should be placing the code provided:
* jQuery UI Tooltip 1.10.2
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://api.jqueryui.com/tooltip/
* Depends:
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
* jquery.ui.position.js
(function( $ ) {
var increments = 0;
function addDescribedBy( elem, id ) {
var describedby = (elem.attr( "aria-describedby" ) || "").split( /\s+/ );
describedby.push( id );
.data( "ui-tooltip-id", id )
.attr( "aria-describedby", $.trim( describedby.join( " " ) ) );
function removeDescribedBy( elem ) {
var id = elem.data( "ui-tooltip-id" ),
describedby = (elem.attr( "aria-describedby" ) || "").split( /\s+/ ),
index = $.inArray( id, describedby );
if ( index !== -1 ) {
describedby.splice( index, 1 );
elem.removeData( "ui-tooltip-id" );
describedby = $.trim( describedby.join( " " ) );
if ( describedby ) {
elem.attr( "aria-describedby", describedby );
} else {
elem.removeAttr( "aria-describedby" );
$.widget( "ui.tooltip", {
version: "1.10.2",
options: {
content: function() {
// support: IE<9, Opera in jQuery <1.7
// .text() can't accept undefined, so coerce to a string
var title = $( this ).attr( "title" ) || "";
// Escape title, since we're going from an attribute to raw HTML
return $( "<a>" ).text( title ).html();
hide: true,
// Disabled elements have inconsistent behavior across browsers (#8661)
items: "[title]:not([disabled])",
position: {
my: "left top+15",
at: "left bottom",
collision: "flipfit flip"
show: true,
tooltipClass: null,
track: false,
// callbacks
close: null,
open: null
_create: function() {
mouseover: "open",
focusin: "open"
// IDs of generated tooltips, needed for destroy
this.tooltips = {};
// IDs of parent tooltips where we removed the title attribute
this.parents = {};
if ( this.options.disabled ) {
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
var that = this;
if ( key === "disabled" ) {
this[ value ? "_disable" : "_enable" ]();
this.options[ key ] = value;
// disable element style changes
this._super( key, value );
if ( key === "content" ) {
$.each( this.tooltips, function( id, element ) {
that._updateContent( element );
_disable: function() {
var that = this;
// close open tooltips
$.each( this.tooltips, function( id, element ) {
var event = $.Event( "blur" );
event.target = event.currentTarget = element[0];
that.close( event, true );
// remove title attributes to prevent native tooltips
this.element.find( this.options.items ).addBack().each(function() {
var element = $( this );
if ( element.is( "[title]" ) ) {
.data( "ui-tooltip-title", element.attr( "title" ) )
.attr( "title", "" );
_enable: function() {
// restore title attributes
this.element.find( this.options.items ).addBack().each(function() {
var element = $( this );
if ( element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
element.attr( "title", element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
open: function( event ) {
var that = this,
target = $( event ? event.target : this.element )
// we need closest here due to mouseover bubbling,
// but always pointing at the same event target
.closest( this.options.items );
// No element to show a tooltip for or the tooltip is already open
if ( !target.length || target.data( "ui-tooltip-id" ) ) {
if ( target.attr( "title" ) ) {
target.data( "ui-tooltip-title", target.attr( "title" ) );
target.data( "ui-tooltip-open", true );
// kill parent tooltips, custom or native, for hover
if ( event && event.type === "mouseover" ) {
target.parents().each(function() {
var parent = $( this ),
if ( parent.data( "ui-tooltip-open" ) ) {
blurEvent = $.Event( "blur" );
blurEvent.target = blurEvent.currentTarget = this;
that.close( blurEvent, true );
if ( parent.attr( "title" ) ) {
that.parents[ this.id ] = {
element: this,
title: parent.attr( "title" )
parent.attr( "title", "" );
this._updateContent( target, event );
_updateContent: function( target, event ) {
var content,
contentOption = this.options.content,
that = this,
eventType = event ? event.type : null;
if ( typeof contentOption === "string" ) {
return this._open( event, target, contentOption );
content = contentOption.call( target[0], function( response ) {
// ignore async response if tooltip was closed already
if ( !target.data( "ui-tooltip-open" ) ) {
// IE may instantly serve a cached response for ajax requests
// delay this call to _open so the other call to _open runs first
that._delay(function() {
// jQuery creates a special event for focusin when it doesn't
// exist natively. To improve performance, the native event
// object is reused and the type is changed. Therefore, we can't
// rely on the type being correct after the event finished
// bubbling, so we set it back to the previous value. (#8740)
if ( event ) {
event.type = eventType;
this._open( event, target, response );
if ( content ) {
this._open( event, target, content );
_open: function( event, target, content ) {
var tooltip, events, delayedShow,
positionOption = $.extend( {}, this.options.position );
if ( !content ) {
// Content can be updated multiple times. If the tooltip already
// exists, then just update the content and bail.
tooltip = this._find( target );
if ( tooltip.length ) {
tooltip.find( ".ui-tooltip-content" ).html( content );
// if we have a title, clear it to prevent the native tooltip
// we have to check first to avoid defining a title if none exists
// (we don't want to cause an element to start matching [title])
// We use removeAttr only for key events, to allow IE to export the correct
// accessible attributes. For mouse events, set to empty string to avoid
// native tooltip showing up (happens only when removing inside mouseover).
if ( target.is( "[title]" ) ) {
if ( event && event.type === "mouseover" ) {
target.attr( "title", "" );
} else {
target.removeAttr( "title" );
tooltip = this._tooltip( target );
addDescribedBy( target, tooltip.attr( "id" ) );
tooltip.find( ".ui-tooltip-content" ).html( content );
function position( event ) {
positionOption.of = event;
if ( tooltip.is( ":hidden" ) ) {
tooltip.position( positionOption );
if ( this.options.track && event && /^mouse/.test( event.type ) ) {
this._on( this.document, {
mousemove: position
// trigger once to override element-relative positioning
position( event );
} else {
tooltip.position( $.extend({
of: target
}, this.options.position ) );
this._show( tooltip, this.options.show );
// Handle tracking tooltips that are shown with a delay (#8644). As soon
// as the tooltip is visible, position the tooltip using the most recent
// event.
if ( this.options.show && this.options.show.delay ) {
delayedShow = this.delayedShow = setInterval(function() {
if ( tooltip.is( ":visible" ) ) {
position( positionOption.of );
clearInterval( delayedShow );
}, $.fx.interval );
this._trigger( "open", event, { tooltip: tooltip } );
events = {
keyup: function( event ) {
if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {
var fakeEvent = $.Event(event);
fakeEvent.currentTarget = target[0];
this.close( fakeEvent, true );
remove: function() {
this._removeTooltip( tooltip );
if ( !event || event.type === "mouseover" ) {
events.mouseleave = "close";
if ( !event || event.type === "focusin" ) {
events.focusout = "close";
this._on( true, target, events );
close: function( event ) {
var that = this,
target = $( event ? event.currentTarget : this.element ),
tooltip = this._find( target );
// disabling closes the tooltip, so we need to track when we're closing
// to avoid an infinite loop in case the tooltip becomes disabled on close
if ( this.closing ) {
// Clear the interval for delayed tracking tooltips
clearInterval( this.delayedShow );
// only set title if we had one before (see comment in _open())
if ( target.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
target.attr( "title", target.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
removeDescribedBy( target );
tooltip.stop( true );
this._hide( tooltip, this.options.hide, function() {
that._removeTooltip( $( this ) );
target.removeData( "ui-tooltip-open" );
this._off( target, "mouseleave focusout keyup" );
// Remove 'remove' binding only on delegated targets
if ( target[0] !== this.element[0] ) {
this._off( target, "remove" );
this._off( this.document, "mousemove" );
if ( event && event.type === "mouseleave" ) {
$.each( this.parents, function( id, parent ) {
$( parent.element ).attr( "title", parent.title );
delete that.parents[ id ];
this.closing = true;
this._trigger( "close", event, { tooltip: tooltip } );
this.closing = false;
_tooltip: function( element ) {
var id = "ui-tooltip-" + increments++,
tooltip = $( "<div>" )
id: id,
role: "tooltip"
.addClass( "ui-tooltip ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-widget-content " +
( this.options.tooltipClass || "" ) );
$( "<div>" )
.addClass( "ui-tooltip-content" )
.appendTo( tooltip );
tooltip.appendTo( this.document[0].body );
this.tooltips[ id ] = element;
return tooltip;
_find: function( target ) {
var id = target.data( "ui-tooltip-id" );
return id ? $( "#" + id ) : $();
_removeTooltip: function( tooltip ) {
delete this.tooltips[ tooltip.attr( "id" ) ];
_destroy: function() {
var that = this;
// close open tooltips
$.each( this.tooltips, function( id, element ) {
// Delegate to close method to handle common cleanup
var event = $.Event( "blur" );
event.target = event.currentTarget = element[0];
that.close( event, true );
// Remove immediately; destroying an open tooltip doesn't use the
// hide animation
$( "#" + id ).remove();
// Restore the title
if ( element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
element.attr( "title", element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
element.removeData( "ui-tooltip-title" );
}( jQuery ) );
Hi Itadmin,
- The above customer had issue because his custom module called function tooltip but did not add library. But you added library already
- Please check tab console (inspect element) to see if there is any error? Or please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account. We will check for you
We fixed. Please go to admin/config/development/jquery_update and set configuration as below imge:
HI Phuonght,
Thanks for taking a look. The backend of Mega Menu no longer works at all, the drag and drop menu items don't work, everything that you would normally click to open is jut being displayed all on the one page including the add a menu item screen, which doesn't allow you to click any of the links or save anything.
Would it be possible for you to take a look at this? As I can no longer do anything with the menu at all
It seems that you have directed to live site
We need account to check the issue. Please send us again
Please send us some screenshots of the problem because we check your site but still do not understand your ideal clearly
We still can drag and drop menu items as normal. Please check again
How about the 2nd idea? Any screenshot, please.