I have the menu working fine when viewed on all devices. However, when on a desktop, when the window is resized so the responsive menu (hamburger) appears and then resized to full, the display isn't right - the dropdowns appear covering the menu items.
Any ideas please?
I should also add that in Firefox, the hamburger remains when resized back to full - no dropdowns. Neither of these happen on your site (although the login button confuses things).
Could you send us some screenshots? We would like to know how problem is.
Okay, thanks - site is live today (that's why I didn't reply sooner).
The three attached images show in order - the normal site, window reduced and, finally, window maximized again. The hamburger only disappears on reloading the page. The hamburger itself isn't clickable when maximized again - so the menu isn't then working after the window is reduced and then maximized.
I'm having the same issue.
Have there been any updates on this?
We are still working and it will take some more time. We will notify you soon.
Thank you for your patience in advance.
Andy and Wilsamson,
Sorry for our delay but we still can not find exactly what reason of this problem is.
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment? We would like to have a check in your sites. Because it is just a quick check and we will not make any change so please do not worry.
No worries. I can't give you access to the live site as we're behind a VPN, but I'll give you access to the development site on Acquia - it may not be until after Christmas now, depending on demands, but I'll try. Best wishes, Andy
I'm just back from holiday - unfortunately I can't offer any kind of access, my agency forbids it. Hopefully Andy2 can help resolve the problem.
Please check your email
We send you the update
I saw the email, thanks Cindy.
Hi there, sorry for the silence - many other things going on. Unfortunately this update doesn't work, ie the hamburger still remains when the window is resized large again. It also breaks the responsiveness of the menu as the menu items remain horizontal (although they wrap) and don't drop nicely into a vertical list like previously.
Wilsamson - did you have any better luck?
Hi Everyone,
No, it's not working for me.
Also, I've had to move past this module, I can't wait any longer for it to be functional (my go-live date is quickly approaching). If any future releases come out, I'll happilly test them.
Hi Andy and Wilsamson
Please check your email
I have just send you an update file
Hope it works
Hi Cindy,
I've installed the updated awemenu.min.js file and that seems to work! I'll keep my eye on it.
Same problem, can you help me please ?
Please help. :(
My customer is waiting....
Hi Tommy
Please check your email
I am also having this problem, can you help please?
Have you tried with version of Mega menu from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/ssibala)? Please download and check if it works.
Hi Emile,
We fixed it in latest version of Mega menu already. Please go to your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/emilekott) and update mega menu.