Mega Menu Edit area problem

hazarvolga's picture
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 04:57
Mega Menu Edit area problem

Hi everyone,

ı m sorry my poor english.

I will edit the tabs in the menu does not appear correctly in


this is screeen shot


how can ı solved


hazarvolga's picture
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 05:06

ok problwm solved

cache clear


thanks again :

conniemh's picture
Wed, 05/29/2013 - 09:26

I am not sure this is the same issue, but when I add a title to a "[link]", that title does not display in the administrtion interface as it does in the "[header]". 

Admin interface for menu creation

Is there a reason the menu title label does not appear next to the "[link]" text? Am I missing something obvious here like another option for creating an actual menu item in this module? Thanks for any help and apologies if this is an obvious issue.



Neo's picture
Wed, 05/29/2013 - 10:10

Yes, label is available for header only. I'll try to add some to another items.

conniemh's picture
Tue, 06/04/2013 - 14:43

Updated 6/4: I answered my own question, no worries. This illustrated the regular drop down menu (one column). If you could add a label to the "Link" box as you do the header in one of your future updates, that would be awesome. 


Ok, thank you for the quick response! Am I adding the secondary menu items correctly by using  [link] ? In some of your documentation screenshots, you show what looks like a regular Drupal menu list (for a flyout menu, but maybe I'm confused by the terms you use) Thanks! Connie

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