Hi there Pro's,
Not a novice in Drupal, i am trying to use your MD-Megamenu module, it would be paradise if could get it to work... but this is so far unssuccesfull.
I was hopping that you could give a little review on the below indication in order to help with the proper settings.. Thanks..
How did I install it on D7.22 :
As showed on on your video
All required module (MDMM, Ctools 7.x-1.3, Media 7.x-1.3 and JQ UI-1.8.23 from your provided link) were installed in maintenance mode and script update was run afteward. All modules were then activated in modules menu.
The main issue will be the frozen and none dynamic screen that I would getafter adding a new menu from MD MegaMenu manager and Add new MDMegamenu
afterward, clicking in edit. The setting link below a previously created hometab, will be dead until I right click and open it a new tab, then all pagecomes alive and the adding new item becomes possible wile the use ofthe drag and drop is not. Running the site on FF or IE10 does not make adifference, below is a sample of few other issue:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$settings in template_preprocess_megamenu_theme() (line 101 of C:\xampp\htdocs\dso\sites\all\modules\md_megamenu\templates\menu\theme.inc).
- Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in include() (line 4 of C:\xampp\htdocs\dso\sites\all\modules\md_megamenu\templates\menu\md_megamenu_tab.tpl.php).
- Warning: Creating default object from empty value in template_preprocess_megamenu_theme() (line 96 of C:\xampp\htdocs\dso\sites\all\modules\md_megamenu\templates\menu\theme.inc).
Thank you for all the help you can provide,
All the best to you all,
Rony -
Just disable the "Overlay" in the module core section of drupal in order to get it working.. Thanks MD.. (a little install note will be nice in the zip file..)
I think that I fixed this issue in older version. I'll check it again. Thank you for your post!
Checked your say today updating to md_megamenu-7.x-1.11, I can confirm that you havn't fixed anything. The overlay issu is alive and well.
Have a nice day..