I copied the contents of mm-style1.css into sites/all/themes/bootstrap/css/md-megamenu.css to start my template
I have then selected 'Custom Style' on the Configuration -> Design page.
When I reload the page the menu appears with no style, as though the css is not being found.
I have also tried copying the contents of mm-style1.css into the 'Custom CSS' text box, but again, that seemed to have no effect.
I have cleared my cache.
Could you please suggest what I may be doing wrong and a solution.
Also - is there any documentation on this module?
I'm having the exact same problem with Mega Menu in Bartik as well as a custom theme.
In the source it shows @import url("http://www.mydomain.com/sites/all/themes/themename/css/md-megamenu.css?m...");
This makes me think it's loading, but it's not having any effect on the menu. What's the deal?
I figured it out. It should be obvious, but there's no documentation so...
When you copy something to from mm-style1.css, there's a lot of .md-style1 classes that need to be changed to .md-custom.
Simply do a find and replace from md-style1 > md-custom and you should be good to go!