Drag a menu block in the zone menu

chelwolf's picture
Mon, 03/02/2015 - 17:29
Drag a menu block in the zone menu

Hello! After the upgrade module "jquery upadate" (possibly earlier) there was a problem with permasteelisa menu. I drag a menu block in the zone menu and it does not appear, and in blocks at the bottom disappears. This is seen only with the blocks menu. Tell me what is the problem? Version Jquery changed differently - doesn't help. Making the video.

See problem on video: http://youtu.be/qIdnCmYppko

UPD: If i use jquery 1.5, 1.8 and 1.9 - it does not give results

I also used both versions of the module Jquery (latest stable and DEV).
I am using the latest version Megamenu.

cindy's picture
Tue, 03/03/2015 - 03:40


Thank you for your feedback with the video for illustration 

As you said, there is no problems when using jQuery 1.5, 1.8 and 1.9 right?

This issue sounds like http://megadrupal.com/forum/module-support/mega-menu/142

So you can continue to use the module with one of 3 jQuery versions above

chelwolf's picture
Tue, 03/03/2015 - 05:33

Thanks for the reply! Todaythe problem was solved,it was necessary to update the UImoduleJqueryUpdateas it is writtenabove.Ialsodid earlier, but did not include the requiredUIin the settingsfor JqueryUpdate. About thisimportant detailnotmentionedin the video.Beforemestoodthe UI ofGoogle.

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