I created a view to make a Masonry listing type. I follow the steps in the documentation creating the Content type and the View from scratch, but I can't it to work properly.
- big spaces between elements
- it looks like a normal grid and not like a masonry grid, like this: http://tympanus.net/Development/GridLoadingEffects/index4.html
I need to upload images of different sizes (height and width).
I don't understand what it is the goal of the Height field in Portfolio content type.
Can you check this?
I sent you url and credentials to cindy@megadrupal.com
It is a demo site you can do whatever you need.
We fixed already. Please upload more items.
About the height field in Portfolio content type: It is the item height.
- First you need to identify the portfolio item height. (We inspect element and see that your porfolio item thumbnails have 2 height values: 380 and 148 px
- After that, you need to add these 2 values into The Height Field In Portfolio Content Type
- Then go to portfolio content and select the height (for ex, /node/78/edit?destination=admin/content)
- In case you want to use another thumbnail with different height, you need to add more height here /admin/structure/types/manage/md-portfolio/fields/field_mdp_height then save
Do you get my point?
I uploaded more items, can you check? Squares a and Portraits images don't plays well with masonry.
Do I need to create a new value for each image size I upload? But all my images have different sizes...
Did you see it?
We customize for you already
Please check
Please see the instruction in the comment above
Or you can read the documentation
Thank you! Great support.