Hello, I just bought this content builder, but I get some problem with my theme, I bought this theme is foresttheme website as well, but when i fresh install them, it doesn't work. when i try to create a templete, the panel is empty. if I add it in a basic page, this time there is no panel at all. please help
Tue, 04/19/2016 - 09:36
Please go to admin/awe-content/permission to set permission to used object.
If it is unnecessary, you can uninstall module AWEContent Permission.
thanks,after set the permission, the /admin/awe-content/templates is working, but the node/add/page still not working.
In file sites/all/modules/nikadevs_cms/modules/nd_visualshortcodes/css/nd-visualshortcodes.css, line 68, code
display: none;
hides toolbar of awecontent. To solve problem, you can insert CSS code below or at the end of file sites/all/modules/md_awecontent/css/awecontent-style.css:
display: block;
Thanks, it working now!
Sorry, I found another problem.
after fix the layout, all the button is here, but they are not really woking.
I can drag them to the editable area when I try to edit a "page".
Problem occurs because module NikaDevs Visual Shortcodes uses library http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/ while our module uses https://jqueryui.com/draggable/ leading to conflict.
The library which we are using is official and used by most of users so we can not support this problem.
However, we recommend that:
+ You can request Nikadev to use https://jqueryui.com/draggable/ instead of http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/
+ You can disable module NikaDevs Visual Shortcodes
+ You can create template from admin/awe-content/templates and use it after creating new node.