Hi there,
I just bought a reg. license for your awesome AweContent Module which I would like to use with the "Apital Theme".
After first installation it looked good, but unfortunately I run into the "After clicking AweContent button I see spinning icon for indefinite time" issue and can't figure out why.
I would really appreciate if you could help me with this.
If you need any further information I will be glad to assist you!
Thanks a lot in advance
Cheers BJ
Please follow topic http://megadrupal.com/forum/general-support/2345 to check if there is any js error then take some screenshots and send to us. Or you can also send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment, we would like to check and fix problem for you.
Sorry we can not access your FTP account.
Please go to your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/bjvc) to download an updated file of awecontent first. If it still does not work, please check your FTP information again and re-send to us.
I updated the files you dropped in my account, but still the same issue occurs.
Could you please take a look now? You already received the fixed FTP credentials soime days ago, so that should work now.
I think I found the problem.-
After disabling one js file after the other from the Apital theme, I could get the content builder to actually load.
The file that causes the problems is the "jquery-1.11.2.min.js"
I will email the file, maybe you can find the problem it is causing.
Any news?
We did not receive any email from you :(
Well I guess the file was deleted from your or my mail server.
How can i send you the file so you receive it for sure?
You can upload file to any host (such as Dropbox,...) then send link to us.
We still can not access by your FTP account.
About file /sites/all/themes/apila/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js, please do not add jquery in Drupal by this way, it causes conflict js. By default, Drupal use queyry 1.4.4 and UI need to be similar to that version.
Please remove adding jquery in your theme and use jquery update. We do not need to add add jquery in theme.