Markup control

360hd's picture
Sun, 12/06/2015 - 07:53
Markup control


I'm deeply testing this module and I noticed that you have no control over your html markup. When I create a new section, a new row, a new columns... I would like to be able to choose the html element I want to apply on it. For example a header, article, aside, section, nav etc....

This is mandatory if you want to make a website with SEO good practices.



phuonght's picture
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 03:44


Thank you for your concern about our product and your suggestion.  We will try to with work it.

Just to make sure, you would like in each section or row, there will be a dropdown which has  "header, section, article..." option tag, right?

And it would be great if you could share us more ideas so we can develope our MD Awecontent better.


360hd's picture
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 07:50


Thank you for your reply.

Instead of a dropdown, I would suggest a simple textfield, it depend on the UI you want to provide.

  • The dropdown is more "fancy" but if you want to put a tag that is not in the dropdownlist, you are stuck

  • The textfield is more flexible, but less fancy



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