bootstrap push/pull classes

SPIKY's picture
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 10:36
bootstrap push/pull classes

Adding push and pull classes to a column in awecontent messes up the layout. The resulting page however seem to be fine. 

It seems like the creation of rows is inconsistent between editor mode and resulting page. Adding a row in the editor really doenst create a now bootstrap row, just a 12 width column. Because of this, the push and pull get calculated wrong I guess. 

Behaviour should be consistent between editor and the resulting page. It's really difficult to almost impossible to create custom pages in awecontent without resorting to full custom html, which makes awecontent seem useless...

phuonght's picture
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 05:57


We will check and reply ASAP :)

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