Custom Font besides google font

luanjenkins's picture
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 01:39
Custom Font besides google font

Hey guys, really love your work! I am developing a website for my company which requires me to use their custom font. We you help me figure out how to do this so that the editor sees the font in the font list?


phuonght's picture
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 06:51


We will check and reply ASAP :)

phuonght's picture
Fri, 10/23/2015 - 00:11


Could you tell us which font you would like to use with MD Awecontent? We need some infomation to support your case better.

luanjenkins's picture
Fri, 10/23/2015 - 01:17

Hi thanks for the reply, we are using a custom font we created. It's a modify version of Gotham round. 

luanjenkins's picture
Fri, 10/23/2015 - 01:18

We also have a custom icon, do you know how to change the icons?

phuonght's picture
Fri, 10/23/2015 - 05:17

Could you send us your font? We will check and add more option for you.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 06:22

About your custom font: we checked and worked but found no solution to support ttf. Until now our MD Awecontent can only support custom fonts through google font.

And about icon: please upload your svg file to fontello ( then download fontello package and add to fontello in your site. It will work well.

luanjenkins's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 06:23

great, thanks! we will work on that. Thanks for the quick and great support :D

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