Things to be solved

otorrents's picture
Wed, 09/09/2015 - 07:01
Things to be solved

I'm using your modele in "Marvel" theme.

I've seen things to be solved:

1) After saving a Content I see the message: 
Notice: Undefined index: #bundle in marvel_node_view_alter() (line 202 of ...\marvel\sites\all\themes\marvel\template.php). - See more at: http://marvel.dd:8083/en/content/test-0#sthash.AunBsoVN.dpuf

2) After changing the Font Type, the arrow to close the side bar doesn't work.

Image title

3) Inserting a google maps in a "Page" content it is not rendered properly. 

Image title

4) I don't see any thing when I want to add a HTML Code

Image title

Thank you very much

cindy's picture
Thu, 09/10/2015 - 03:45

Please check your email for the fixed file

otorrents's picture
Thu, 09/10/2015 - 07:10

Thank you Cindy,

Points 1, 2, and 4 have been solved, 
but point 3 still doesn't work in Google Chrome. I have tested in Microsoft Explorer and this works.

faizal's picture
Thu, 10/08/2015 - 07:32

I'm also not seeing the editor in HTML Custom block.  Can you please help me with a fix?

cindy's picture
Thu, 10/08/2015 - 22:27

Hi Faizal

Please check your email for the file and see if it works

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