Problems installing

otorrents's picture
Sun, 08/23/2015 - 05:04
Problems installing

I'm using "Marvel" theme and I have bought your module, but I don't have the enought drupal knowledge to finish to install it well.

Your documentations is not easy for me to understand, could you make a step by step for "Dummies"?

Thank you very much

phuonght's picture
Sun, 08/23/2015 - 22:52


Installing awecontent is similar to installing other modules of drupal. If you are stuck in which step, please describe in detail, we would like help you.

You also can give us your site and account then we will help you install this module.

In your case, due to theme recognize awecontent, you need adđ to file .info of your theme: awcontent = 1

otorrents's picture
Fri, 09/04/2015 - 10:48

Thank you, I have tried a new installation and it works, maybe there was a module that interfiered.

Now I have another problems: 

1) When I create a new content from "/admin/awe-content/templates" I see the menus perfectly, 
but when I creat the content from a node like "Page content" I see the menus "cutted" and I can't see the section menú.
I have done a screenshot to show to you what I see. I think that it is only a css issue, but I think that you will know better how to solve this.

Image title

2) I see an error: Notice: Undefined index: #bundle in marvel_node_view_alter() (line 202 of ...\marvel\sites\all\themes\marvel\template.php).

3) When I edit a content the side bar menus overlap the content and the page doesn't adapts to the new situation

Image title

cindy's picture
Sat, 09/05/2015 - 00:35


These errors relate to your theme,

Please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account. We want to check this

(Remember to check "private message" for seciruty reason)

cindy's picture
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 22:49


Please check your email

We send you the updated file

Remeber to clear cache 

Issue 1: please go to strcuture/content-type/page
In AWEContent Config tab, please edit wrapper element >>> 'body'

Issue 3: Please explain more, we are not very clear about the problem

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